336-379-0603 info@cpni-nc.org

Project Scope

CPNI went to Roseboro April 6-7, 2017. Roseboro is a town in Sampson County, North Carolina. Also known as “Rosie City”.

Team Members

  • Doug Burns – ksq design- Team Leader
  • Mike Bedell, Belfour Beatty
  • Sun Breza – ECS Southeast, LLP
  • Stephanie Cooper – Moseley Architects
  • Carolyn Fryberger-NCGrowth
  • Phil Jones – UNC-Charlotte
  • Jim Schenck-ConnerGwyn Schenck PLLC
  • Ashley Tucker, Intern.
  • Pat Fogleman-CPN of NC.


Historical Preservation

  • Preserve older housing stock to keep the character of the town
  • Begin historic district commission
  • When considering flexible use zoning, incorporate rigidity in regards to quality and character of downtown region
  • Assure that every building built within a certain district has historical integrity

Zoning, Streetscape, and Building Improvements

  • Approach state Department of Transportation about correcting streetscape issues
  • Incorporate historic overlay district
  • Incorporate conservation overlay district
  • Have flexible use zoning
  • Conduct a study to determine capacity of sewer and water systems to prepare for future development
  • Condition assessments need to be conducted to understand the feasibility of renovating and repairing buildings downtown
  • Engage with the current county rezoning process to manage growth around interchange and widening of NC-24, try to shape development on the edge of town so that it doesn’t become just an industrial strip by collaborating with the county, as well as ensuring that all of NC-24 fits into the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ)
  • Once key buildings are identified, a technical review should be conducted to understand what parking and zoning implications will impact buildings, as well as a building conditions survey to determine whether or not a building can be saved



Community Engagement

  • Leverage community stakeholders with vested interests in the town (Horne Bros., Crumpler, etc.)
  • Consider informal, creative industry that could be leveraged in town (quilting, leatherwork, etc.) that incorporates community talent
  • Compose a visioning plan to show downtown property owners that could fuel participation through the Small Town Main Street group
  • Strengthen partnership with Sampson Community College



  • Determine town’s vision and incorporate marketing techniques that speak to that vision
  • Host annual festivals/events to draw people into downtown – such as a spring ‘bloom’ festival with a plant sale. Market these events widely, specifically in Fayetteville
  • Consider possibility of getting signage for the Mountains-to-Sea Trail engraved in downtown Roseboro sidewalks
  • Food and recreation as an incentive – market Roseboro as a restaurant and entertainment destination
  • Add flower details to line Main Street corridor – consider a public garden for events
  • Developing the old railway bed into a unique attraction
  • Leverage the relationship with the solar installation contractor in town to make Roseboro a model alternative energy community
  • Marketing the Treehouse that will be recognizable from the Roseboro documentary
  • Market existing restaurants such as Vinny’s Pizzeria and Railroad Street Steakhouse and Lounge
  • Potentially turning the old jail facility into a hostel or retail location such as a brewery (“Jailhouse Brewery”), snow cone shop, etc.

Attracting Development

  • Hold informal meetings with land developers to understand their needs and the opportunities they see in Roseboro
  • Create a master plan
  • Work with county to coordinate development around highway corridor
  • Connect with university and developer resources to drive economic development in town
  • Promote Roseboro as a bedroom community in the low-density areas of town for families and younger retirees
  • Connection with UNC’s Development Finance Initiative (DFI), Self-Help Credit Union, and developer resources as identified by CPNI for technical assistance 

Final Summary

Click here to read the Roseboro town visit report.