Project Scope
Team Members
- Horace Stimson
- Jody Efird, team leader – Architect, ESPA Architects & Planners
- Kelli Goss – Attorney, Conner Gwyn Schenck PLLC
- Manan Adhyaru–Materials Engineer, ECS Carolinas LLP
- Doug Burnes – Architect, KSQ Peterson
- Tori Small, Engineer, Westcott Small & Asscociates
- Jessica Freeman, CPN of NC staff
1.Perform a building assessment with particular attention to asbestos and building codes. Study needs to be done before building is occupied. If asbestos is discovered it must be corrected before anyone can utilize the building.
A general rule of thumb for budgeting assessments is $0.15 – $0.25 per square foot of building. This budget price probably would not include destructive testing. More than likely it would include a report with photos, general recommendations and very broad budget numbers for repairs as outlined in the report.
Funding may be available through resources associated with The Rural Center and other similar organizations.
2. Develop a timeline with 3 categories: short term (4-6 months), middle term (6-15 months) and long term (future goals).
3. Bring the building up to ADA compliance including door swings, HC accessibility, toilets, etc.
4. Obtain septic evaluation.
5. Repair leaks in roof.
6. Turn on HVAC to circulate air and maintain the building against winter freezing and stagnant air.
7. Develop budget for above items with priorities taking precedence.
8. Provide a sense of entrance to FEC
Final Summary
Click here to read the final report