336-379-0603 info@cpni-nc.org

Erwin Officials Hear Findings Of Growth Study

As printed in The Daily Record, Dunn. April 11, 2018 http://www.mydailyrecord.com/eedition/erwin-officials-hear-findings-of-growth-study/ By LAURA PATTERSON Of The Record Staff Members of the Erwin Board of Commissioners were given a presentation last week at the...

CPNI 2018 Promo Video

See what we’re about! CPNI has accomplished so much since it was founded by CPN of NC in 2010. We’re still changing and adapting to each new project/town we take on. We’ve done work in over 14 rural towns throughout NC and are proud to showcase some...

Windsor Update

One of CPNI’s first completed projects was the Town of Windsor. CPNI was requested by the Town of Windsor, NC to compile a team of experts in development, design and construction to help them evaluate and develop a comprehensive strategy to better utilize...

CPN Gives Back 2014 Siler City

The 2014 CPN Gives Back project was the Siler City “Little Free Library” held on Friday, March 21, 2014. CPN provided “bird house” book boxes located around the city, setting up a network of books that will be freely exchanged among people in...